Electronic Warfare Associates, Inc., (EWA), is a small broad-based technology business founded in 1977 and proudly delivers the highest quality products and services across a broad range of technology and engineering specialties. In 2002, EWA Government Systems Inc. (EWA GSI) was established as its largest subsidiary.
EWA GSI, headquartered in Herndon VA, provides products and services to government and commercial markets in engineering, intelligence support, homeland security, special programs, EW operational technology, test & evaluation, and training. EWA GSI specializes in software and hardware systems design, systems engineering, development and integration, producing a wide range of radio frequency and optical electronics systems. We have a broad array of EW products and services including analysis, simulation & training, spectrum visualization, RF threat simulators and custom instrumentation for laboratories and open air ranges, signal analysis software, and embedded training hardware and software. We also provide engineering products and services in cyber defense, intelligence, security, training, tactical mission planning, information operations, wireless applications, range instrumentation, spectrum, radar development, force protection, and counter-UASs. EWA GSI prides itself on overcoming technological challenges and delivering on-time products for its customers.